First Methodist Church
Lake City
973 S. Marion Ave
Lake City, FL 32025
PH: 386-752-4488
A Member of the
Global Methodist Church
Our Mission is to
To make disciples of Jesus Christ who
worship passionately,
love extravagantly,
and witness boldly
First Methodist Women
The organized unit of the First Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ: to develop creative supportive fellowship and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.
The cross and the rings that appear on the Global Methodist Church emblem also symbolizes First Methodist Women. Both remind us of our purpose of growing in our understanding of and willingness to participate in the global ministries of the church. The shape is fluid and free-flowing, suggesting change and mobility. The women who came before us, serving the church at home and in other countries, were at the forefront of movements of change. Always aware of the times, we move into the twenty-first century aware of the opportunities and obligations of discipleship. We are a group of Christian women with many gifts who are united by one Spirit. We participate in God's mission in all areas of life.
FMW Officers
President: Martha Jane Carter
Vice President: Elaine Stafford
Secretary: Martha Maxwell
Treasurer: Beth Willis
Circle Leaders
Grace: Sybil Hunziker
2nd Tuesday, 7:00pm
Call 752-0935 for location